Len Poli (CA, USA), Sonoma Mountain Sausages
This book does a masterful job of explaining grilling, BBQing and smoking. There is extensive discussion of curing as well as the particulars about smoking sausages, meat, fish and poultry...this is not a book of recipes but a scholarly treatment of the hows and whys of smoking. Especially liked the theory on combustion as it applies to smoking. This is a book that will take some careful thought and study. Most books on smoking just give some elementary information and then are filled with with recipes; this text is the reverse, scholarly information and theory as it applies to smoking meats and a few recipes that will get you started. The sections on smokehouse design include many construction diagrams and photos that cover most known methods: masonry, portable, wood, concrete, Kamado, and drum smokers, etc. There are 18 pages on combustion theory, pit design, baffle positions and wood fuel that provide insight to smoker efficiency. I strongly recommend this book to the serious smoker as well as the beginner.
Othmar Vohringer (B.C., Canada), Othmar Vohringer Outdoors
I had recently the pleasant plessure of reading a new book. Meat Smoking and Smokehouse Design by Stanley Marianski, impressed me before I was halfway trough the book. The information is written in a clear to understand and follow language. The information is firstclass and accurate. There are so many books on the market about meat processing, making sausages and many other meat related subjects that it is a real pleasure to see once in a great while a book of this sort actually worth reading and gaining knowledge from it.
As a certified Master Butcher I have no hesitation to recommend this superbly written and illustrated book to anyone interested in making sausages, curing and smoking meats. Regardless if you are beginner or a professional, this book should be on your bookshelf. In fact I would venture to say that this book should be required reading material on butcher trade schools too.
Sheila Raj (New York, NY USA)
A wonderfully written tutorial on the art of smoking meats and sausages. I have been smoking meats for many years, and wish this book had been published earlier. All the details are presented in a clear yet comprehensive manner. A truly enlightening experience for the reader covering all aspects of curing and cooking meats. The second part of the book covers many types of smokers that can be economically built at home. The numerous drawings, coupled with detailed instructions make this task embarrassingly simple. A must read for anyone interested in smoking.
Midwest Book Review (Oregon, WI USA)
Quality takes time. "Meat Smoking and Smokehouse Design" is a comprehensive instructional guide to the world of smoking meats, ranging from construction of one's own smokehouse to the methodology for smoking various meats. With many illustrations and practical advice, "Meat Smoking and Smokehouse Design" effectively educates readers about the processes of smoking meat, along with offering highly detailed recipes and valuable tips. "Meat Smoking and Smokehouse Design" is a must for the smokehouse 'do-it-yourself' enthusiast.